October 07, 2005

Terror: The Aftermath
by Benji

Shock of Terror
Shakes city
Tears of globe

Dancing hand in hand along the coastline
Our wings radiated a golden bronze
Snowflakes splashed rainbow colours on our eyelids...
Our singing and laughing enough to keep the world revolving
A dreamlike prophecy of the years to come.

In a rapidly swift moment an unwavering force crashed our world,
Covered our humble wings with the dust of the earth,
a muddy brown that gives hope and dreams a coating of dimness and gloom.
A fierce beam of dimness and gloom broke through our world,
A flicker strong enough to leave the brave and bold pleading for dusk.

Each morning the golden rays
still press their way through the curtains,
and each night the moonlight
gracefully works itself into the room
and slithers its beam into our eyes
and there is no way we can rest or slumber.

Insomnia has a way of pressing
its claws deep into the mind
and awakening thoughts
which ought not be roused.

The weight of the dirt covering our wings
leaves us restless and our imagination
can no longer freely roam the streets.

Our wings have been battered,
our hearts remain bruised
and we can fly no more.

The Flip Side

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your latest brought tears to my eyes. I love the way you express yourself. Don't give up and don't loose hope. Everything happens for a reason! Follow the path even though it is not a straight one.
