October 24, 2005

"Only those who will risk going too far
can possibly find out how far one can go."

T.S. Eliot

Utopia, Dystopia
by Benji

I had strolled through the streets of time
with my eyes motioned downward.

I was fearful of the adversity
I would undeniably witness
and the citizens who would
undoubtedly judge my soul.

With my head tilted down
I triumphantly completed my quest.
I walked a thousand miles
and did not see one unkind act.

Somehow in my lonesome journey toward Utopia,
I had failed to recall the reasons of my travels.
I had seen naught but the fruitless sight of my worn out shoes.

Somehow in my journey towards Utopia,
I had missed all the beauty along the way.

The Flip Side


Anonymous said...

beautiful - more poems, less war -
(considering the last time you blogged, im assuming it isnt just sydney students suffering from major pre-exam panic attacks - good luck!)

Unknown said...

that's a beautiful poem. I also love the quote by T.S Eliot

Anonymous said...

hey ben

I love going to your blog and reading your poems. Good luck for exams. Look how far you have come. All the best. Love nom

Unknown said...

hey benny

I hope you keep writing while you are away. I can't believe you are off soon. How time comes around so fast. I wish you all the best. Love nom