April 02, 2007

The Other Side

By Benji Raymond

The Other Side

By Benji Raymond


Sparkles of beauty resonate from her eyes,

Illumination whispers from her smile.

Her ways are filled with harm

yet her beauty transcends understanding.

She motions for me to follow.

I pause – weighing up the rights and wrong -

Knowingly creating the rights and hiding the wrongs.

She picks up on my hesitation and her beauty calls to me yet again.

She waits - but she need not wait long - for I quickly follow.


Truth has a way of slowly seeping in

creating an emptiness that surpasses one's being.

I had left my old path,

a path which was a tree of life

for those who grasped on its precious roots

only to choose a way that is faded and warn.

The beauty of truth outweighs the sparkles and illumination of her eyes.

I walk away and she awaits my return,

her beauty quickly diminishing,

but this time she will continue waiting

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