March 12, 2006

The Merry-Go Round
by Benji Raymond

Photographs of times which knew no end,
of happiness and laughter and respect -
all things sweet bundled together
in a photo album of love and life.

Memories of walks on isolated beaches,
of champagne sipped in modest restauraunts,
of late night snacks,
and afternoon teas.

All of this is lost as temptation and lust conquer infidelity,
conquering happiness which lived in the past
but is not certain to live in the future.

All of the memories appear to be forgotten
as if they did not exist - only they had -
and the feelings once shared are lost in the scattered sands
of a desert longing for water.

The photographs and everything that resembles them
are thrown in the air
slipping ever so slowly towards the ground,
defying gravity and all it attachments
keeping the memories alive for just one more moment…

The Flip Side


Anonymous said...

A cycle of good times...
thass whass really good fam


Anonymous said...

To be perfectly honest, the poem could have been this part:

All of this is lost as temptation and lust conquer infidelity,
conquering happiness which lived in the past
but is not certain to live in the future.

And it still would have killed. I think of the rest as an added bonus.

Anonymous said...

the oasis of a trapped moment locked in eternity through a len’s eye can too often become the very mockery of its heart’s existence in the forgotten yesterday of its birthing. which is forever a torment, caught in a second’s flash, for eternity to hang its questions and dashed hopes on the sill of.

i think every person ever having said goodbye, willfully or forcefully to another with nothing but a picture hung in it’s memoriam, can relate well to this.

Anonymous said...

your poetry is always a pleasure to look at. Keep up the great efforts and carry on all your great work. You inspire me.


Rose DesRochers said...

You have a talent. I've enjoyed reading your poetry and sorry for the mix up. LOL