February 15, 2006

by Benji


Beauty melts his thoughts
turning rays of light into shades of dark.

His hunger for beauty destroys the pleasure of life and love...
emptiness inevitably a result.

His heart and eyes rule his mind
greed overrides his soul ...
Bringing naught to humanity but the shallowness of selfishness.

He bows for self-satisfaction...
impatiently awaiting the false joy which fill his heart.


(Time has a way of painfully catching up,
Vowing vengeance and promising revenge)

(Tears fall from his tired eyes
like petals fall from a dying rose)

(His numbing mind feels like a frosty ice block
parked in the pathway of the sun yet refusing to defrost)

The Flip Side

1 comment:

Sarah Likes Green said...

poignant and evocative words. nice.