July 22, 2005

If I Ever...
by Benji

If I ever cease to consider how much you’re worth,
The gem that lies within your heart,
Stop me. Remind me.

If I ever forget the substance of your support,
that which you so generously give,
Pause me. Jog my memory.

If I ever look past your eyes,
The ones that light up dark,
Freeze me. Suggest I read this stanza.

If I ever focus too long on my wishes
And not enough on your needs,
Talk to me. Express your desires.

If I ever fail to hear the sound of your voice
And exclusively concentrate on the sound of mine,
Hold me. Do not let me go.

If I ever fail to recollect that you’re my soul companion
And that I had once loved the essence of your spirit,
Prompt me. Help me revive the flame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I ever… After a semi intense fight between two partners, a man writes to his wife expressing his enduring love for her. He emphasises that if he ever shows signs of being ungrateful for the care she has shown him, she should immediately ‘jog his memory’ or ‘talk to him’. He enunciates the fact that work often gets the best of him and that at times he inevitably becomes egocentric. He explains that she should know that his love for her is strong and undying.